brc lpg issuise

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brc lpg issuise

Post by powernut »

mine has the round tank fittrd in the spare wheel .and when i fill gas tank its showing empty (one led light .and keeps sayi g low gas and beeping and then switchers bk to petrol .i couldnt find the sender tank wires .i assume under neath ? any advise and help

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Post by ChrisJC »

Depends on the tank. You should find a brass plate on the tank (often part of the fill / outlet assembly) with the level sensor. It looks like a small dial with a green and a black wire coming out. It is controlled by a magnet inside the tank the magnetic field of which passes through the brass and turns the small dial.

It is very unlikely to be on the bottom. It should be on the top somewhere. ... &_from=R40

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Post by powernut »

cheers but its not that type tbh .this is inside the vechical with led green lights as mine keeps flashing saying empty then constantly bleeps i assume sender in tank is faulty .but carnt seem to find any sensor wires on this tank
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Post by ChrisJC »

The sender is not inside the tank. It is on the outside. Perhaps you have something unusual (in which case a photo or two of the tank would be good), but all the ones I have seen have a sender like shown above, wired to the gauge / line of LED's / whatever is at the front.

You won't have any wires coming from inside the tank!

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Post by powernut »

ChrisJC wrote:The sender is not inside the tank. It is on the outside. Perhaps you have something unusual (in which case a photo or two of the tank would be good), but all the ones I have seen have a sender like shown above, wired to the gauge / line of LED's / whatever is at the front.

You won't have any wires coming from inside the tank!

hi chris im confused as the link above only shows anologe gauges .not the gas leval sensor that i assume measures the gas in the tank .which then shows on the display of the switch ( row of leds ) .my tank is a round one that fits in the spare well carrierr.
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Post by ChrisJC »

Ah, yes, sorry, perhaps I should clarify. That thing in the picture is a sensor & gauge. Because it's mounted on the tank, inside the airtight box, you can't see it, so it is only really used for it's sensor function. The wires then go off to your digital row of lights which translate the analogue signal from that sensor into the row of lights.

So I am 90% sure you will have one of those on the tank somewhere, probably next to the point where the fill / exit pipes join the tank.

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Re: brc lpg issuise

Post by MercC200 »

I have a similar problem, BRC lpg with 1 green flashing led, (car thinks it's empty) red petrol led on, occasionally looks like it tries to switch, ie the red blinks orange then straight back to red, wont switch to lpg. There is plenty in the tank. I too have a round tank in the wheel well with nothing visible, there is a removable cover in the centre of it.
Would I be correct is assuming if the sender is telling the ECU theres no gas, then there would be no switchover or solenoid clicks?
It's obviously reaching temperature because it wont even light the green flashing led until it's been run for a bit.
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Re: brc lpg issuise

Post by MercC200 »

Also, my tank gauge and valve are in the middle of the tank and the gauge reads near full at that point.
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Re: brc lpg issuise

Post by ChrisJC »

I think there is a pressure gauge up front somewhere, and it is on the basis of there being enough gas pressure, that it switches over to gas.
I don't think the level gauge is used for anything other than telling the driver how much they have left.

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Re: brc lpg issuise

Post by MercC200 »

had a look at the wiring diagram, it looks like the tank sender sends the signal to the ecu, I think the gauge on the tank is mechanical and the gauge itself has a 0-90 ohm variable resistor, 0 ohms being empty and 90 ohms resistance being full, disconnecting the plug should create a resistance beyond 90 ohms thus the indicator on the dash should show full, it doesn't, it just sits there with a green flashing led and beeping and the red led is on but occasionally flashes to amber and back looking like it may be attempting to switch to lpg.
unless there's another influence under the bonnet which affects the gas level display such as a line pressure sensor like you said, I'm starting to think there may even be a software issue of an ecu fault.

SEQUENT ECUs control gas
level indication by means of a
signal on the GREEN LEDs of the
changeover switch. To do that, ECU
is able to elaborate the signal
coming from the BRC resistive level
sensor (pict. 11) placed on the LPG
tank multivalve. LEDs lighting thresholds can be freely set up with the
PC (see Software Handbook 3/3
Part Ic), to allow a precise indication.
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Re: brc lpg issuise

Post by ChrisJC »

Indeed, that quote you have talks about how the fuel level works. But it doesn't say anything about how the system knows whether to switch to LPG or not.

Can you share the wiring diagram? I am sure there is another sensor in there for gas pressure.

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