Rules For The V8 Owners Forum
1. Threads that are located in the inappropriate forum will either be closed or moved to the appropriate forum.
If a post is moved, please direct any questions to the member of staff who moved it
2. Distorted text and text used in all caps should not be used.
3. Please be respectful of all members of the posting community. Abuse will not be tolerated by the site staff.
4. Please check to see that a thread on your topic has not already been posted before you post. Multiple topics will be closed or merged.
5. Create topics with clear topic titles indicative of the content within. When posting, please keep to the topic of the thread as much as possible.
Please refrain from starting a post with a link to things like ebay items in topics, as these will be moved to General Chat.
6. Offensive, obscene, and profane language should not be used.
7. When posting any news articles, include a link to the site that it was taken from. Copying portions of text from other websites is in fact infringing copyright laws and could result in this site being closed down.
8. Spamming will not be tolerated, and will be deleted. Double posts will be merged.
9. Any member who does not visit the forum (just needs to log in no need to post) in 90 days will be listed as an inactive user, they will get 2 automated e-mails from the forum warning there account will be deleted due to non activity, (if deleted you can rejoin BUT if your are deleted more than 3 times in one year your account will be suspended and put to the forum moderators and Admin)
10. No member may promote thier web sites etc in posts, Any one doing so will be warned and the post removed,
if warned 3 times the member will be removed.
Web links in signature is fine and can also include an image, BUT no larger than 320x100 pixels.
Pictures in a post are allowed if the picture is not over 300x300 pixels, Anything bigger should be linked to an external file or site.
11. Bussinesses may use the forum freely for advice BUT if they wish to advertise thier products then this must be done in the classifieds section,
They must also state that they are a trader, Failure to do so will result in thier advert being removed.
12. No Member Is permitted to advertise parts for sale on the main forum, Failure to obey this rule WILL end with action against you,
PLEASE use the classifieds section listed,
13. When you joined the forum you agreed that you are over 18 years of age (please see register page) if you are not over 18 this will enforce an immediate ban from the forum.
14. Please remember the Forum is a free service to you. PLEASE do not abuse it...
These rules are in place to help create a better community for you, so please enjoy your stay here.
**Please note** even if we have space for more moderators, we do not promote because of it. The aim is not to have no spaces left but more to find the right people to promote when they deserve it.
If a member has a problem with a newly promoted moderator please forward your complaint or questions to the thev8kid, NOT to the moderator,
If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask one of the staff members.
Additional rules:
A. You may NOT post any messages that have adult content in them. All content must be suitable for minors. (THIS INCLUDES YOUR MEMBERS PROFILE!)
If you post a message containing adult material, you will be immediately banned from this forum.
B. NO hate mail.
C. NO profanity.
D. NO racist remarks, anti-religious messages, etc.
E. For the safety of our members, please do not give out any detailed personal information. There are many psychos out there who would love to take advantage of minors. To protect you and our visitors, please refrain from posting any type of information that could be used to trace your location.
F. And our final rule....enjoy yourselves at the V8 Owners Forum !
If you repeatedly disobey any of the above rules, you will be immediately restricted from accessing The V8 Owners Forum. You will be given several warnings, but once you are banned there will rarely be an exception.
Forum Admin