Rover V8 Racing,

We talked about running some sort of Rover V8 drag series years ago similar to the old RV8 challenge,
Any thoughts or interests?
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Interested In A Rover V8 Race Series??

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Rover V8 Racing,

Post by Coops »

A few years back (was a lot more of us then with RV8 powered cars)
We talked about maybe setting up some sort of series for fun for the RV8 cars,
and if it took off or companies showed an interest we could maybe have end of year prizes etc,
Just throwing it out there again as been peeps talking about it again over on facebook,
would have to be set classes etc Del came up with two classes 9.99 and quicker pro rover, 10 and slower street rover,

Over to you guys :D

Regards Tony C (COOPS)
MS2 V3.57 Ecu mapable efi and wasted spark ignition.
Procharger D1SC supercharger and Cossie RS500 Intercooler @ 14psi of Boost. 416 RWHP, (boost leak)
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Post by Blown v8 »

How about street legal,and non street legal,
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Post by dbv8 »

Bring it on!
I really do hope we can get something up and running.

If we can get enough interest then maybe a get together at the pod or Shakey on a RWYB day and have a shootout, BBQ and a good chat on the way forward while drinking beer. Thats when the best ideas come ;)

I would have liked to say York but i guess there will be too many put off at the drive up North for now anyway. Maybe have a race date or 2 there when and if it gets up and running.
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Post by dbv8 »

Blown v8 wrote:How about street legal,and non street legal,
As in with a current MoT, insurance and taxed. Only street legal tyres.

Sounds good to me.
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Post by Coops »

bugger that's my hoosiers out the window lol
Regards Tony C (COOPS)
MS2 V3.57 Ecu mapable efi and wasted spark ignition.
Procharger D1SC supercharger and Cossie RS500 Intercooler @ 14psi of Boost. 416 RWHP, (boost leak)
Forged 4.8 V8 kitted out with the dogs Cajones of parts. :D
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Post by dbv8 »

MT streets are expensive. We had this debate in the NSCC.
It was agreed that if you had tyres that were street legal and used for the cruises etc then you were allowed to run slicks on track. Andy Hadfield proved he could run very near to his best times on MT streets anyway. He saved a lot of money being able to run on slicks as they are so much cheaper.
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Post by kiwicar »

looking from the outside here, I have no intention of ever running another rover engine, I would strongly suggest you all decide some fundamental rules as to what is a rover engine and what is not and what is a road legal car and what is not before you having race meetings.
From my understanding of the collapse of the previous rover challenge is that there was a huge amount of "interpretation" of the rules and a lot of "gamesmanship" on the start line and after each meeting all of which lead to a lot of bad feeling.
If you have a simple class definition of "road legal" and "non road legal" then you will be looking at the guy with the bigger cheque book winning every time, it will be a championship for professional teams only. The winner of the road legal class will have a tube chassis, bowler tomcat motor with a flat plane crank and two turbos on a lenco, there are plenty of Promod cars with MOTs out there and plenty of professional builders who will wan the publicity of building the series winning car. Having built that they will then put slicks on it and run in the non road legal class to boot.
I would recommend choosing an existing class like super pro or comp eliminator and base your rules and definitions on that. I would put in a rule where you can buy the round winning motor off the winner for a fixed amount say £7.5K, this alone keeps the series open and competitive and pro teams hate it. I would also recommend a "floor pan rule and silhouette" (if you are going for road cars) like in NASCAR.
I don't wish to be a party pooper here, in fact very much the reverse I think the sport needs a grass roots entry formula.
I wish you all luck and would like to help formulating some rules if you would like me to be involved, I say again I do not wish to enter I am no fan of rover engines, however I Love drag racing.
Best regards
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Post by bones »

I like the idea of this and when some time back I tried to start something up the rules and classes became a pain. And mike is right about the biggest cheque wins. The only thing I could thing of was street legal and pro class but done like e.t, then it might make it a level playing field for all. :D rich
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Post by Coops »

Thanks for the input guys. That's the reason for this section
To gain interest and ideas etc to see if it's worth doing even if just for fun
But Del and I have had a quick chat few weeks back saying some sort of rules would be needed as a 8sec say rover race car against a 13sec rover Street car is a tad unfair
Regards Tony C (COOPS)
MS2 V3.57 Ecu mapable efi and wasted spark ignition.
Procharger D1SC supercharger and Cossie RS500 Intercooler @ 14psi of Boost. 416 RWHP, (boost leak)
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Post by Spongo »

Could you do some for of handicapping system based on PB's that way it might mean a normal road car could run against a more race focused set up?
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Post by bones »

Ok I've been thinking :shock: . And this might eliminate some of the problems, as in street legal and weight and power. Using bracket e.t style races, you could have 3 classes. Class 1 10.99s or less ,class 2 13.99 to 11s, and class 3 14s upwards . It should cover most vehicles, :D rich
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Post by Ian Anderson »

Any stret legal car must also do a track dat at a specified track. Then run in the same specification on the strip.
A representative lap time will be added to your quarter mile, after all there is more to driving than the start

So it will be silenced, run road tyres(not funny quarter mile ones), run on pump fuel, be mot and licences, driven to race, only na, if car was standard with turbo or super it is allowed in a separate class, and I like the ability to buy the winning motor for a fee as it stops the specials.
Owner of an "On the Road" GT40 Replica by DAX powered by 3.9Hotwre Efi, worked over by DJ Motors. EFi Working but still does some kangaroo at low revs (Damn the speed limits) In to paint shop 18/03/08.
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