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Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 7:06 pm
by Ian Anderson
I keep on looking at the diagram of the pipes and the descriptive notes thereon.

On the top left you say return to pump but bottom left you call it a bypass pump to thermostat.

You also appear to have 2 outlets one at either end on the heads / manifold - this to me does not make sense

I still consider that you are moving hot water through small pipes back to the engine without it goin via the radiator - without it going through the rad it will not lose heat so will give the problems you describe

Perhaps if you redraw it with arrows showing the expected water flow through each pipe will suddenly show what the problem is


Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 11:55 pm
by Westy
Thanks all for replies and suggestions.

Through reading all the comments and looking at the system on the car, I have made some adjustments and on a test run last week the car ran a lot cooler than before. I think the main problem seemed to be opposing flows of coolant causing an overall poor rate of flow through the radiator, and possibly some bypassing the radiator altogether.

Thanks again

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 8:56 am
Hi Westy.
Glad you got it running cooler.
Just one point though, on your original diagram you show the top and bottom hose connections to the rad directly above each other. If this is the actual layout then it's possible the flow through the rad is uneven and the left side would see little water flow.

However your sketch may just be diagramatic and or the rad has an internal baffle to induce even flow.
Regards Denis

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 10:26 am
by r2d2hp
Am wondering if I have a similar issue to Westy. Engine is Rover v8 pre serpentine from 4.3 TVR

My car seems to get very hot when in traffic but ok when moving. Radiator is fitted with 2 fans both Kenlow. 1 large one and a smaller one for additional cooling both controlled by the ECU in stages.

Thermostat is the 74 degrees

Car is fitted with separate header tank and the large 25mm pipe from bottom of the header tank connects to pipe that connects to bottom of radiator and returns to water pump and the top pipe 13mm from the header tank connects to the top hose that runs from Thermostat to Radiator. Is this correct.

Am wondering if, as Ian has suggested to Westy I could be bypassing the Radiator.