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Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 12:37 pm
by chodjinn
hmmm, forum looks good.

Shame about all the old posts, and my post count has been removed! Damn spent ages building that up! Was there no way of porting the user details across?

And no, I didn't read any posts regarding the new forum so all this was a shock! Pleasent, but still a shock!

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 12:58 pm
by katanaman
Nope there was no way to reasonably move user data over. We wouldn't have wanted to anyway as a huge amount of old users just weren't around anymore. Old forum will be back one way or another but it will only be read only.

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 1:50 pm
by stirlsilver
Nice, By the way, i'm loving the Garage feature! It's a great idea!!!

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 9:19 pm
by paulmanta
I think the new look is cleaner, less cluttered looking, only prob i have is that i was saving someones number in my messages folder and hadnt copied across to the real world, do the messages still exist somewhere ? my user name is the same.

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 10:15 am
by bones
hi all, the forum looks good, i will have to get myself a fancy pic to put up, if i can remember how, :D rich

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 1:59 pm
by Coops
glad every one is liking the new layout,