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Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2017 12:03 pm
by Eliot
gelmonkey wrote:Hiya Pel
Not been the best year I've ever had and the last two months the worst ever in my life
Lost my dad very suddenly in May then got poorly with food poisoning then got worse with same and then got seriously ill and ended up in hospital because of it
Then I had an operation cancelled because I was not mentally of physically strong enough to deal with it
Am on the mend now though and have actually worked on my wagon tonight for an hour or so which was nice as prior to all my crap work was seven days as you said and we were very tired
My sense of humour has taken a kicking but lurking on here helps some
Really pleased to see your progress mate
Am loving it
Keep your Chin up Paul - I owe you a couple of cold ones next time we all manage to get up the 'pod.

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2017 5:53 pm
by gelmonkey
Hello guys
Thank you for the kind words and apologies to Pel for the Hi jack.

Dont have any immediate projects in the pipeline for my wagon but am slowly collecting parts for a new build which I am really looking forward to.

Health wise I will get there and mentally, well that may take a bit longer and some may say there is no hope for me on that score :lol: but as always time heals .

Elliot beer sounds good as does a hook up at the Pod

Thanks again and Hijack over


Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2017 8:05 pm
by mgbv8
gelmonkey wrote:Hiya Pel
Not been the best year I've ever had and the last two months the worst ever in my life
Lost my dad very suddenly in May then got poorly with food poisoning then got worse with same and then got seriously ill and ended up in hospital because of it
Then I had an operation cancelled because I was not mentally of physically strong enough to deal with it
Am on the mend now though and have actually worked on my wagon tonight for an hour or so which was nice as prior to all my crap work was seven days as you said and we were very tired
My sense of humour has taken a kicking but lurking on here helps some
Really pleased to see your progress mate
Am loving it

That's some heavy poop Dude! I'm sorry to hear about your Dad Paul !
I hope that you have fond memories of your Dad to make you smile now and then mate.?

I know your sense of humour has taken a kicking. But it MUST still be there somewhere because you decided to build a car like that FFS!!

Pel xx


Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 4:23 pm
by gelmonkey
Have great memories of fishing with dad for years and years so plenty to smile about there when I can deal with all of that
As for the sense of humour and building a car like that what can I say?
You guys are the judge and jury on that one not me haha
Going to a show on Sunday if weather is good so giving the old wagon a boot full should put a smile on my face

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 7:51 pm
by mgbv8
gelmonkey wrote:Have great memories of fishing with dad for years and years so plenty to smile about there when I can deal with all of that
As for the sense of humour and building a car like that what can I say?
You guys are the judge and jury on that one not me haha
Going to a show on Sunday if weather is good so giving the old wagon a boot full should put a smile on my face

Hard times mate :( But in time you will be able to think of your time with your Pops and smile instead of welling up ?

If you are taking that VAUXHALL to a show I guess you should deffo give it a boot full...... A boot full of spare parts I reckon ;)

Chin up love!


Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2017 11:47 am
by unstable load
Mr Monkey,
Chin up, mate! You are in my thoughts. Stop working so hard, your boss won't thank you for doing yourself harm, but he WILL keep on exploiting it.

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2017 7:46 pm
by gelmonkey
Hello john
The boss is a really hard taskmaster and will not allow second best on pretty much anything
I know him extremely well and all his foibles
I've known him all my life from day one because my boss is me
As for working so hard and the long hours I do well that's my choice and there are loads of folk who do the same as me and longer hours as we are governed by the weather and if it's pouring down and all we have is outside work then we are stuffed ( it does leave time for a bit of playtime in the garage sometimes though)
Nurses and doctors work way longer than me
Thank you for your kind thoughts though ,yours and everyone else's for that matter

I am looking forward to the show tomorrow it must be said
I might even post up some pics

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2017 5:44 pm
by mgbv8
gelmonkey wrote:Hello john
The boss is a really hard taskmaster and will not allow second best on pretty much anything
I know him extremely well and all his foibles
I've known him all my life from day one because my boss is me
As for working so hard and the long hours I do well that's my choice and there are loads of folk who do the same as me and longer hours as we are governed by the weather and if it's pouring down and all we have is outside work then we are stuffed ( it does leave time for a bit of playtime in the garage sometimes though)
Nurses and doctors work way longer than me
Thank you for your kind thoughts though ,yours and everyone else's for that matter

Where the pics then ;)

I am looking forward to the show tomorrow it must be said
I might even post up some pics

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2017 1:44 pm
by gelmonkey
I did not take any pictures as there was really not much to see of interest as far as I thought
It turned out to be more like a village fete and not a car show as I had been led to believe
Was very pissed of after returning to my car ( had to have a coffee hit) and two blokes where crawling all over it inside and out
When I asked what the hell they thought they were doing they said oh we are the judges I in return told them it was just a little local do and not a 100 point concourse and they did not like that at all
I told them I was not interested in winning stuff to put on a shelf but they still continued after I asked them not to
Bit later a chap was walking around with his son and told the lad that the Nissan GTR next to mine was a Honda Civic type R And my car was a drift car and would never be seen out on th roads as it was a competition vehicle only
All it in all it was nice to be out in the car for a little while and I did meet some nice people but I won't be going to that event again , well I can't it's a completion only vehicle and I can't take it on the road

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2017 7:16 pm
by mgbv8
gelmonkey wrote:Perry
I did not take any pictures as there was really not much to see of interest as far as I thought
It turned out to be more like a village fete and not a car show as I had been led to believe
Was very pissed of after returning to my car ( had to have a coffee hit) and two blokes where crawling all over it inside and out
When I asked what the hell they thought they were doing they said oh we are the judges I in return told them it was just a little local do and not a 100 point concourse and they did not like that at all
I told them I was not interested in winning stuff to put on a shelf but they still continued after I asked them not to
Bit later a chap was walking around with his son and told the lad that the Nissan GTR next to mine was a Honda Civic type R And my car was a drift car and would never be seen out on th roads as it was a competition vehicle only
All it in all it was nice to be out in the car for a little while and I did meet some nice people but I won't be going to that event again , well I can't it's a completion only vehicle and I can't take it on the road

OMG Paul!!
You should have taken pics of the Dicks mate ;)
At least you got out to blow the cobwebs off eh mate !!

Pel xx

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2017 7:16 pm
by mgbv8
gelmonkey wrote:Perry
I did not take any pictures as there was really not much to see of interest as far as I thought
It turned out to be more like a village fete and not a car show as I had been led to believe
Was very pissed of after returning to my car ( had to have a coffee hit) and two blokes where crawling all over it inside and out
When I asked what the hell they thought they were doing they said oh we are the judges I in return told them it was just a little local do and not a 100 point concourse and they did not like that at all
I told them I was not interested in winning stuff to put on a shelf but they still continued after I asked them not to
Bit later a chap was walking around with his son and told the lad that the Nissan GTR next to mine was a Honda Civic type R And my car was a drift car and would never be seen out on th roads as it was a competition vehicle only
All it in all it was nice to be out in the car for a little while and I did meet some nice people but I won't be going to that event again , well I can't it's a completion only vehicle and I can't take it on the road

OMG Paul!!
You should have taken pics of the Dicks mate ;)
At least you got out to blow the cobwebs off eh mate !!

Pel xx